Add insult to injury... I took not one bot TWO of these crap, junk on trade..... ONLY to find out that everyone ELSE appears to know the fault before me... (quite sure that is why they were traded..... Hats off to HP..... for setting me even farther into debt. Greg
On Sat, Jan 28, 2023 at 6:25 AM J. King wrote:
On January 27, 2023 11:45:57 p.m. EST, Brian Lowe wrote:
I saw this on another forum. A hospital somewhere in the US ordered a
dozen HP
laptops for some physicians and nurses. When they arrived, they
discovered the
"Power On/Off" button is shaped like just another keyboard key and is
in the top row. Immediately to the left of the Delete Key. And just above
Backspace key.
My own laptop has a PrntSc key above Backspace. I hit it accidentally with regularity, sometimes multiple times per day. I'll bet a power button instead would be so much fun.
Who the hell designs this crap?
I suspect laptop keyboard designers have a special place in the seventh circle of hell reserved for them. This is a new low, though.
Thanks for starting my day off on the wrong foot. :)
-- J. King
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