On Thu, 2008-12-18 at 15:31 -0600, Montana Quiring wrote:
I would like to find a Winnipeg hosting business that has a decent Internet pipe that would give me a public IP (or two) and a network connection and let me plop a server in their secure server room. Even if I didn't have a public IP, but had a couple hostnames that llinked to dynamic IP's that would be fine too (does that make sense?).
I would be willing to pay $10 a month for the service.
What your looking for is Co-Location space. I don't believe anyone has any co-lo space available in Winnipeg but even if they do you certainly won't find it for $10/month.
More like $100/month plus bandwidth charges.
Even in the good old days of Pangea, the "co-locate" space (the quotes are entirely intentional) was more than $10/month.