According to author:
I read on the Register web site that negotiations are going on for AOL to purchase Red Hat. If the deal happens, will MUUG still support Red Hat ?
Good question, but it's all speculation right now. If the negotiations are really happening and the deal does happen, we'll have to see how this affects Red Hat's direction regarding Linux in the future. Red Hat may continue to operate with reasonable autonomy and it may not mean any significant change in direction. On the other hand, this is AOL/TW we're talking about...
Note that we do have other distributions online too (Slackware, Debian, OWL). If we decide not to mirror Red Hat in the future (for whatever reason), we'll have more space for other alternatives. In any case, no sense in jumping the gun based on nothing more than specuation.
For those who haven't seen it yet, the Register article can be found here...
There's also an article at the Washinton Post's site...