On 2020-05-06 Kevin McGregor wrote:
AMD could severely undercut this with a modified Ryzen laptop CPU (with built-in Radeon graphics and modified to support ECC). Or a slightly lower price with a Threadripper.
AFAIK all the Ryzen 3's with built-in graphics do not (and won't) have ECC. There might be Pro versions out eventually that will, though. But they won't be cheap.
1400GBP isn't too bad for that NUC... I was guessing more before I got to the punchline.
Yes, you can put together a whopping Ryzen3 ECC system for well under that price... but it won't be in a tiny cube shape!
Does anyone know of a low end barebones system with a Ryzen CPU of any description?
Does it have to be tiny? Or any "barebones" (i.e. full ATX or M.ATX)?