a query came up last meeting, "What's a good wireless PrintServer w/USB ? " _ _ _ _ _
"Good" or not, I can't say, but this mfg "Airlink" is growing in presence and offerings. http://www.airlink101.com/products/apsusb201w.html
Stock? The apsusb201w is FOB Vancouver, wholesale approx. $85.
it is one of four sibling models, all USB: http://www.airlink101.com/products/printer_server.html
Interesting to see Airlink offering both _PowerlineTransmission_ (APL8522 in stock, VanBC) http://www.airlink101.com/products/apl8511_22.html and _PwrOverEthernet_ (asw308p not listed [yet]). http://www.airlink101.com/products/asw308p.html
The latter will be popular with IP cams like http://www.airlink101.com/products/aic250w.html
John Donovan
P.S: The OpenWRT project may list some WirelessAccessPoint models where you solder-in a USB jack onto the PCB; similar to the many DB-9 (console I/F) retrofits.