I'm doing some ECC RAM shopping on ebay (as per prev postings).
I came across something weird. There's a stick showing up in various places that claims to be ECC but all pics (and the physical unit, I've confirmed) have only 8 (or 16) DRAM chips, not 9 or 18.
Does this make any sense to anybody? Is this possible??
The stick is Kingston KTH-XW4400E6/2G
http://www.walmart.com/ip/Kingston-KTH-XW4400E6-2G-2GB-ECC-DDR2-800-240-pin-... http://www.ebay.ca/itm/221949985186?
http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820134842 specifically says in "overview" it has "Error Checking and Correcting Technology"
Kingston has discontinued this part and it's hard to even find on the site anymore, but here's:
http://www.ec.kingston.com/ecom/hyperx_us/partsinfo.asp?root=&ktcpartno=... says x72 ECC The equiv HP #'s they provide all show up on the net as 9 chip, so this Kingston stick should be ecc.
??? WTF?