IPv6 has a 'site-local' reservation as well but that us going out of favor for what I have read.
There is no functional reason to have an private unroutable network when the 'standard' allocation range is so gigantic making NAT unnecessary. Your routers and firewall ACL will effectively make it private if you so configure.
NAT isn't a security feature or design tool. It is a work around for lack of adressable space.
The one feature of ipv6 that blew me away was that with The auto configured link local space the address chosen is based on the MAC address of the host. If you ever had to reverse an errant 169.X prefix on your LAN this could be very handy and makes auto configure networks a he'll of a lot more deterministic with respect to address provisioning.
Sean (mobile)
On 2011-05-12, at 11:13 AM, Mike pfaiffer
high.res.mike@gmail.com wrote:
> On 11-05-11 11:18 PM, Robert Dyck wrote:
>> --- Mike pfaiffer wrote:
>>> I think I saw somewhere where my D-Link 655 supported it.
>> Here is the manufacturer's sales page for your router. It has an "IPv6
>> Ready" sticker on the product picture.
> Thought so.
>> As long as your home networking router can handle IPv6 to IPv4 NAT, then you
>> won't have to buy anything else.
> I was thinking of making all the devices connected to the router IPv6
> to make things simple. Since I don't want to have the wireless router
> connected to the internet (Shaw gets their underwear in a knot over open
> routers) it is easy to have all one or the other. From past discussions
> it seems the NAT part is a little tricky and not all routers handle it
> properly.
>> --- Adam Thompson wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, no-one is willing to be the bad guy in that
>>> story... Not even a *country* can really pull it off.
>> If you want government to get involved, it would have to force all router
>> manufacturers to support IPv6 to IPv4 NAT, and provide firmware updates for
>> all their products that don't currently do so. They would have to be forced
>> to provide firmware updates for discontinued products as well; how far back?
> I don't think IPv4 is going away any time soon. At least not in the
> home. The software and documentation are available and well tested. If
> the ISPs make the switch then places like the lab will also have to make
> the switch. Businesses with internal LANs will have to choose. Are there
> ranges of IPs assigned to private LANs as there are in IPv4? If so then
> depending on the size of the business the transition and testing could
> be either very simple or very complex.
> Then there are the applications... I'll leave that conversation for
> those with more experience.
>> Rob Dyck
> See you at the lab tomorrow...
> Later
> Mike
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