I was going to configure using YaST - until I found out I don't have Suse but instead Fedora Core 9 installed.
I changed the etc/hosts file to include other machines. I put the local private address in a windows network configuration as the primary DNS server, and did the same for the gateway machine itself.
Magically, I could ping any machine on the network by name, from the FC9 gateway machine or the windows machine. I don't know what service is running. dnsmasq is present but disabled. I don't see any "named" in the services.
When I went upstairs to try machines connected by wireless, the magic disappeared. A windows machine running win2k (the same OS as the other machine) complained when I entered a primary and secondary DNS server from different domains. It let me do it, but it resolves some but not all local names.
System Preferences on the Mac allows me to insert the private address of the linux DNS server. It changes resolv.conf to the following: # # Mac OS X Notice # # This file is not used by the host name and address resolution # or the DNS query routing mechanisms used by most processes on # this Mac OS X system. # # This file is automatically generated. # nameserver <private address of linux box here> nameserver nameserver
The caution about not using resolv.conf is noted, but hopefully changing network settings causes the other address resolution mechanisms to be affected. Now the Mac cannot resolve any names, not even its own.
What's happening? Why the inconsistency?
Dan Martin GP Hospital Practitioner Computer Scientist ummar143@shaw.ca (204) 831-1746 answering machine always on