On Apr 16, 2016, at 5:12 PM, Trevor Cordes trevor@tecnopolis.ca wrote:
On April 16, 2016 12:50:43 AM CDT, Trevor Cordes trevor@tecnopolis.ca wrote:
on muug.ca (new server):
#hostname muug
This valid? Done for a reason? Should it be muug.ca?
On 2016-04-16 Adam Thompson wrote:
Hostname is - and always has - been specified as the bare name, not the FQDN.
Hmm, that's opposite to what I've understood for 25 years, and what I've done on every machine I've ever been responsible for (all of which that have "worked").
"hostname -f" should lookup and output your full FQDN hostname as compared to "hostname" just outputting the bare name thats set in Linux.
I've got systems set both ways; short, and long FQDN hostname, and both work fine and can boot up disconnected in regular amounts of time.
Theodore Baschak - AS395089 - Hextet Systems https://ciscodude.net/ - https://hextet.systems/ https://theodorebaschak.com/ - http://mbix.ca/