:-) :-) :-) (yahoo being yelled at the top of my voice)
I have always used a yahoo finance/portfolio. I have noticed that currency screen but never realized/thought that its function was to convert one currency to another.
I now have a US portfolio and a Canadian. My holdings are shown in Canadian Dollars. I did a rough check comparing the calculations I made yesterday with todays NEW portfolios results (some prices changed a few pennies) but it WORKED.
Thanks so much, if I live to be 100 you have saved me roughly 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year for the next 41 years which is 74 days if my math is right? You freed up two and a half months for me!
I keep a small hero list and you are now on it. Thanks for your help Sean.
One teenie weenie itsy bitsy question. Does Yahoo display/show the factor/rate it uses to convert US$ to CA$? I looked around but it didn't jump out at me.
--- "Sean A. Walberg" sean@ertw.com wrote:
On Mon, 1 Mar 2004, Mel Seder wrote:
I have not found a site that can take both us and Canadian
do the share quantity x price calculations, and show the grand
total in
Canadian Dollars.
Have you tried setting up a Yahoo! finance portfolio? It lets you track your holdings, purchase price, and select between several display currencies.
-- Sean A. Walberg sean@ertw.com http://www.ertw.com
===== The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. -Samuel Johnson, lexicographer (1709-1784)