On Sun, 13 Nov 2005, Trevor Cordes wrote:
On 11 Nov, Sean A. Walberg wrote:
I have no clue why this is happening. I wiped any trace of network stuff in /etc/mod*, rebuilt the initrd, and grepped under /etc for any mention of eth0. It even does this in single user mode. No kernel paramaters either, and I'm running the latest FC1 kernel from Legacy.
What are you using to configure the card? Did you look in
Kudzu (ie network-config), and editing ifcfg-eth0.
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0? Make sure there is no IPADDR set and you have BOOTPROTO=dhcp. In fact, besides DEVICE, BOOTPROTO, ONBOOT and TYPE you might want to delete all other entries, espcially HWADDR. Then ifdown/ifup and it should work. ifcfg-eth0 controls the whole enchilada and it's got to be something in there, assuming your modules are ok, which appears to be the case.
Nope, it's clean. Part of my final fix was to put ONBOOT=no in ifcfg-eth0 so the boot process wouldn't bother with the card on boot.
mii-tool shows no link status (nor does the switch), even after I manually ifconfig the interface to be UP/RUNNING.