About 6 days it takes, using 2 nodes with 6 cp processes on each of them,
using MPI-parallel version of cp and copying from one shared FS (Lustre)
to another (NFS). Threaded version of cp (i.e. on one node, several
threads) was also tried but the speedup was less than when copying form
the two clients.
Grigory Shamov
Westgrid/ComputeCanada Site Lead
University of Manitoba
E2-588 EITC Building,
(204) 474-9625
On 15-02-21 12:47 AM, "Trevor Cordes"
trevor@tecnopolis.ca wrote:
>On 2015-02-11 Grigory Shamov wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> There exist a threaded and (even MPI-parallel) 'cp' for large/parallel
>> filesystems.
>What did it get your cp time down to from 90 days?
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