On 2010-04-07 Adam Thompson wrote:
Actually, I was mainly hoping to verify that it was, indeed, a hardware problem. One person (Trevor) reporting similar results has fairly decent-quality GigE NICs on both sides – or at least what I *assumed* to be fairly decent-quality NICs!
I should hope so, my NICs are Intel server grade gigabit on the server and Intel high-end workstation grade gigabit on the client ($100-$300 NICs, retail).
Kevin, I didn't have time to scan your exact results, is it mostly pc->server that's slow or server<-pc? And your pc is Windows, I gather (XP?).
My big problem has always been windows->linux performance (but never linux->windows). I've given up on it for now, but one thing that made a HUGE difference was turning OFF jumbo packets. I instantly got 5X better performance with jumbo OFF. Yes, my switch is jumbo capable, and it was enabled, and set properly on the pc and linux. Go figure. I blame the Linksys WebSmart switch, but who knows.