On 19 Feb, Bill Reid wrote:
levels but the problem still persisted. Power cycling the modem does not get the interface working. Doing a network restart on Linux does get it going again. The box has two interfaces and the problem only occurs with the Internet interface.
Yes, this is the exact same problem myself and a few others have reported here. On my end, it's gotten worse. Nearly every day it goes down. It's so bad I wrote a cheesy script run from inittab, see below. Seems to work well.
Even if you're static, you could still be handled by DHCP. So you can't rule that out.
Interesting that you suggest there's a possible linux-side aspect to this... I suppose there could have been some obscure bug introduced into the kernel or dhclient code a few revs ago. I'm on FC5, newest updates. Still, I'm more confident the problem lies with Shaw.
I have 2-5 interfaces on my boxes and, as you said, it's only the external Shaw iface that has the problem.
Maybe if enough of us networking gurus (not your average Shaw customers!) put our complaints to Shaw someone will actually look into this.
#cat /usr/local/sbin/internet-keep-up #!/bin/bash # # hack b/c Shaw's dhcp is farked up and hoses me
# don't thrash on initial boot, easiest to just sleep a long time sleep 300
while : do ping -c 1 -i 3 -w 15 anothershawdomain.ca >/dev/null 2>&1 || { ping -c 1 -i 3 -w 15 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { # could try more pings before declaring downage ifdown eth0 >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2 ifup eth0 >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2 # insert other housekeeping here mail -s 'internet-keep-up: had to restart internet' yourself@you.ca </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 } sleep 30 } done