I'm playing around with a little program called Zenity. It is a simple way to call up dialog boxes from a shell script. I've been able to produce a couple of simple examples with just an OK box. There are more complicated examples I'd like to try (this is going into some articles in Call-A.P.P.L.E.). The thing is Zenity can return values to the calling script. I'd like to know how to read these values...
I have done a bit of research. The UNIX textbook I was using at university was written around the csh and didn't really have the information I wanted in a location I could find easily (although I could swear it was there when I took the course a little over 10 years ago). I looked at the man pages for Zenity and BASH. I also looked at several examples in the /etc directory (obviously unsuccessfully). I'll admit to being an airhead occasionally, but this is a really simple problem. Simple problems are the worst ones to solve. :-(
Later Mike