On 2010-06-08 23:07, Dan Keizer wrote:
One of the questions at the muug meeting today was about temperature and humidity readings/monitoring.
The 1-wire devices are quite easy to use .. there are a few links I've saved from prior here: http://delicious.com/ve4drk/1-wire -- they're about a year or so old ...
an interesting take is using the owfs (http://owfs.org/) with openWRT ( http://openwrt.org/ ):-) yes -- you know it can be done :-)
I know another local who has used these .. he has a nice display and info on how to do it .. it is: http://www2.ertyu.org/temp/conditions.php
Thanks for the links, Dan. Looks like a build-your-own solution, but I was hoping for something a bit more turn-key. Jun Ma recommended (via private e-mail) the HWg-STE, which appears to be a small, network- attached box that accepts 1-wire probes. He included links to their international web site (hw-group.com), as well as the Canadian distributor (hw-group.ca), but no prices are listed. I've e-mailed the Canadian site, and will see what the price is.
Brad Vokey's brother, Gord, recommended the TemPageR 3E, from AVTech.com, which I had also already come across. but their US $195 package includes a temperature-only probe. To get humidity as well, I'd be looking at more than the US $199 for the MicroGoose from ITWatchDogs.com.
Other options I've found include the Newport (newportus.com) iTHX and iTHX-SD, and the NetworkTechInc.com EnviroMUX-Mini, but they're more expensive as well. Someone I know at U of Calgary recommended a cheap solution that came out of there called Phidgets (phidgets.com), but it's also a build-it-yourself type of solution, which would also require some programming. (More effort than I want to put into it now, or that I can justify doing on work time.)
I'm thinking I'll order one MicroGoose from ITWatchDogs.com, and try it out. If it doesn't do what we want, I can try other options later, and we've only lost a couple hundred dollars.
Thanks to all who replied or offered suggestions at the meeting.