On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Mel Seder wrote:
I was able to boot one PC but not the other. It just sat there with the HD activity light on after I selected, actually it was defaulted for me, to load the newest kernel. I did a three finger salute and re-booted using the prior kernel version.
Are you sure there is a problem with the installation of the new kernel -- it may just be that it doesn't like your hardware. (In this case just reinstalling the package won't help) I'd suggest verifying whether or not the kernel package is installed correctly. I imagine that the new kernel you speak of is 2.4.18-17.8.0, so to check its installation use:
rpm -V kernel-2.4.18-17.8.0
If that comes up reasonably clean, chances are your hardware and the new kernel don't like each other. If this is the case, you should file it in Bugzilla at bugzilla.redhat.com. And, you'll have to stick with the older kernel until the issues are resolved.