Trevor Cordes wrote:
On 19 Feb, Bill Reid wrote:
Interesting that you suggest there's a possible linux-side aspect to this... I suppose there could have been some obscure bug introduced into the kernel or dhclient code a few revs ago. I'm on FC5, newest updates. Still, I'm more confident the problem lies with Shaw.
I have 2-5 interfaces on my boxes and, as you said, it's only the external Shaw iface that has the problem.
I am also on FC5 with the latest updates.
What is odd is that the problem started immediately after a Shaw network upgrade. Of course I have been unable to get a handle on what the upgrade entailed.
Why I think it is a Linux issue is that the interface restarts by resetting the interface. Since I am not using DHCP nothing is happening on the Shaw side. Of course what causes the interface to shutdown. Because it only happens on the Internet side then I am assuming that Shaw is perhaps doing some kind of polling. For example, perhaps multicast which causes Linux to choke. Why Linux starts up on its own after 1-2 hours is also a puzzle.
I was going to drop in a Dlink router but I think before doing that I will try using wireshark with a ring buffer and using your script I will kill wireshark before restarting the interface. Hopefully this would show the last packet that hit the interface and provide some clue.
Thanks, Bill