Here's another interesting looking multifunction synchronization solution: Intro video: I haven't tried it myself but it claims bi-direction sync to and from many different sources such as PC to PC. Hope it helps. Kelly
On 9/27/07, Trevor Cordes wrote:
On 17 Sep, Peter O'Gorman wrote:
On Mon, 2007-09-17 at 15:17 -0500, Adam Thompson wrote:
One package that *might* be able to solve your problem with some extra work on your part is XFile (
Unison may also do what you want (I've never used it though):
I've used unison in a production environment for over a year to do a 2-way sync and it has worked great. Zero problems. A real hassle to compile though, as it uses some wacky language, meaning you have to compile the compiler! (On FC5 at least.)
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