I was an Shaw Extreme user and decided to try out Broadband 50. It turns out that Extreme customers can upgrade to Broadband 50 at no additional cost.
They use a SMCDG3N a DOCSIS 3.0 N wireless router. Very nice specs including IPv6 support. http://www.smc.com/files/AN/DS_SMCD3GN-RES.pdf
Shaw mails out the modem. Of course the first thing when I got it was how do I get my 2nd IP address. If you want to use 2 IP addresses then Shaw turns off the router and wireless function. So it is a modem with a 4 port Gig switch. This is how I am running it.
I did a test at speedtest.net got 48.64Mbps down and 2.87Mbps up which is pretty close to 50Mbps down and 3Mbps up.
-- Bill