According to millward:
I'm running Red Hat 7.3. The KDE KGostView pdf viewer won't print pdf files. It gives the message: "The file format application/x-zerosize is not directly supported by the current system." KGostView asks: "KDE convert this file to application/postscript ?" So I agree, but it fails and says: "no appropriate filter"
This raises the question of what KGhostView considers an appropriate filter. You'd think, given the name, that it's a front-end for ghostscript, which should be up to the task, but maybe it's configured to use something else like pdftops from the xpdf package. Do you have xpdf installed? You can get it from
Can't hurt and it may help.
My printer is an Epson 640 which I loath but can't afford to replace. RH 7.3 with KDE prints text OK. I've even printed a couple of HTML pages using Konqueror.. Anyone know how I can get KGostView to print PDF? The problem is not the printer. My system is multi-boot so I booted into Slackware 7.1 Gnome and used the Gnome Ghostview 0.95 to print the PDF file, no problem. But I don't really like Gnome and KGostView should do the job in Red Hat 7.3. What have I failed to do in Red Hat 7.3 ?
Generally under Red Hat, if you can print something, you can print pretty much anything on a given printer. This is because it uses ghostscript as a front-end for any non-PostScript printer, so anything that can print PostScript can print on any printer ghostscript supports.
Sounds like a missing package and/or a KGhostView misconfiguration.
If you're not really tied to KGhostView, and you can't get it to print, I'd suggest using xpdf and pdftops, or acroread.