I have a friend who lives a few blocks from me in the same neck of the woods and he was using a linksys version 5 router and had the similar problems you were experiencing ... he was using dhcp as it's residential -- the problem he was experiencing was that it was terribly slow until he rebooted his router (would stay up fine for a day or two max) -- which leads one to think it's a router thing -- upgrading to current images and checking the settings etc, no change ... but, I guess anything's possible. He stuck in a trendnet router (the tew43*BRP* type of thing) and he has not had problems with his connection.
I run dual linksys routers in parallel off a switch to my shaw modem and have never experienced this problem .. they've all been up for months with no downtime. Not sure if it's relevant or not, but could it be shaw is poking around the services and see who is running what and doing "something" etc etc ...
Just my 2c
Bill Reid wrote:
... I remember a discussion on the list a while ago about a similar problem with the thought that it was related to Shaw's DHCP server. I am using a static IP so maybe the problem is something else. The symptoms would suggest that some network activity is causing the Ethernet to shut down. How it gets going again is not clear. There are no messages in syslog when the interface stops or starts. My next thing to try is to use something like a Linksys router.