On 2020-01-28 Gerald Brandt wrote:
Now, since it seems Shaw gave me some of their dynamic range, my email server is blacklisted in a few places.
To say I'm not happy with Shaw would be a gross understatement.
Yes, many RBLs will have Shaw's many of Shaw's entire 24.x.* blacklisted as "residential". Getting off a blanket RBL is near impossible.
I would still try to see if you could obtain IPs in their normal "business" range. If they won't give you that, then you should tell them it's *their* job to get their was-rez-is-now-business 24's off of the RBLs!
Note: there are many online multi-RBL checker web sites you should utilize to see what's blocking you. And you could always try following each RBL's "remove" guidelines. But that quickly becomes almost a full time job.
I share your pain... I administer an email-heavy system and the world is much too aggressive with their BL's. The more concentrated email gets (think gmail) the worse it gets. (My 2c.)