This was forwarded to me from someone at USENIX, and I thought it might be
of interest to some of you...
Gilbert E. Detillieux E-mail:
Dept. of Computer Science Web:
University of Manitoba Phone: (204)474-8161
Winnipeg, MB, CANADA R3T 2N2 Fax: (204)474-7609
Register now for LISA, the 18th Annual Large Installation System
Administration conference at:
LISA comes to Atlanta November 14-19. As always, the breadth and
quality of this years tutorials, refereed papers, invited talks, and
participants is excellent. Some highlights:
Professional TRAINING: The biggest and best slate of tutorials we've
ever had: 36 instructors teaching 51 full-day and half-day tutorials,
30 of which are new. Some quick examples:
o John Sellens: System and Network Monitoring
o David Rhoades: Securing Web-based Apps
o Eric Allman: Advanced Sendmail
o Rik Farrow: Thinking Like a Hacker
o Peter Baer Galvin: Advanced Solaris Administration
o James Mauro and Richard McDougall: Solaris Kernel Performance,
Observeability, and Debugging
PAPERS and INVITED TALKS: luminaries such as Joshua Goodman, Esther
Filderman, Gerald Carter and Yi-Mon Wang will present cutting-edge
issues in topics such as:
o Looking at both symptom and state information for configuration
o Biology and Informatics for System Adminstrators
o Electronic Presidential Campaigning and the lessons learned
o How spammers are circumventing Bayesian filtering
o Information Security Laws
o Grid Computing
Birds-of-a-Feather sessions and Work-in-Progress reports give you a
preview of next year's news, or present fledgling work of your own and
get feedback from the audience.
Single- and multi-day registration options let you attend for
one day or several. Register by October 22 and save up to $300.
WHAT: LISA - the 18th Large Installation System Administration
WHEN: November 14-19, 2004
WHERE: Atlanta, GA: Atlanta Marriott Marquis
WHO: System Administrators, Network Administrators, CIOs, CTOs,
Researchers, Tool Providers, Support and Help Desk
personnel, etc.
WHY: To get to and stay on the cutting edge of computer system