On a similar vein, have any of you been receiving e-mails from an organization called "The Strategic Council", asking you to complete a survey they claim to be on behalf of CIRA? The strategiccouncil.com is registered to someone in Toronto, but the survey is on researchnow.com which is registered in the UK. CIRA makes no mention of this survey on its web site, so the e-mail looks quite dodgy to me. I've gotten two of these so far and I've just ignored them.
On 03/21/2013 08:11 PM, Bill Reid wrote:
I see that CIRA is very concerned about DRoC.
Here are some references: http://www.itbusiness.ca/news/alleged-domain-slammers-lose-dot-ca-licence-su...
Here is a good summary of the past few years: http://www.yummymummyclub.ca/blogs/eileen-fisher-gigamom/20121128/scam-alert...
-- Bill
On 20/03/13 23:42, Hartmut W Sager wrote:
And CIRA, where are you when we need you? Can't DRoC be deregistered for ".ca" at least, due to unethical practises?
Roundtable mailing list Roundtable@muug.mb.ca http://www.muug.mb.ca/mailman/listinfo/roundtable