In my presentation last month I mentioned SUSE Studio which I understand
is a custom linux build service similar to rPath.
If you are interested in such things they are looking for beta testers.
Please read the email below for more information.
John Lange
-------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: Evamaria Fuchs
> To:
> Subject: [opensuse-announce] Wanted: Participants for usability tests
> of SUSE Studio
> Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 17:55:08 +0100
> Hi all,
> We still need participants for our usability tests of SUSE Studio.
> The tests will take place here in Nuremberg are one-time tests and
> will take about one hour each.
> You should have knowledge in building Linux packages, but should
> preferably be unexperienced with SUSE Studio.
> We can offer people from outside SUSE a compensation of 20 Euros/hour
> (if you need two hours then 40 Euros)
> Interested?
> Then write or call me or Sigi (
> Thanks!
> Eva
> Evamaria Fuchs
> SUSE Research & Development
> Usability Engineering
> SUSE LINUX Products GmbH
> Maxfeldstrasse 5
> 90409 Nürnberg
> Phone: +49 911 74053 284