On 3 Jun, Raymond J. Henry wrote:
Last I checked, static IP addresses drove the price of Shaw's service up over MTS's (MTS supplies 2 statics with their business accounts)... Is anyone seeing a benefit of Shaw over MTS?
Are you kidding? MTS sucks big time. Shaw Extreme clobbers MTS on download speed, and more importantly upload speed. Upload is at least 4-8X faster with Shaw Extreme. Latency is miniscule Extreme-to-Extreme (20-40ms). MTS can barely get under 100ms on a good day. MTS is unreliable, disconnects you regularly, and requires crappy PPPoE with crappy authentication which always causes problems (not like Shaw's plug-n-go) especially when MTS decides to unilaterally change your user id suffix without telling you, which has happened to my customers at least 3 times. And the icing: they block *incoming* port 25, which has zero anti-spam benefit.
I could go on, but you get the point. And I'm speaking from direct experience because at least 3 of my customers are still on MTS because their buildings are not wired for Shaw.