On 2011-09-30 Sean Walberg wrote:
I'd still suggest git. It's really not that strange unless you want it to be.
Thanks for everyone who replied with advice. I looked over all the options at length after this discussion and (I think) I decided on git. The main reasons are easy multi-level deployment and easy multi-developer merging.
After learning the basics, I must say I'm hitting my head against the wall. Git is one wacky beast.
I'm wondering if someone who's done it can help me with a quick pointer in the right direction.
Specifically, I'm stuck at figuring out how/where to structure the "main" repo.
Here's the copies I currently have that I'd like to git-itize:
1. Raw dev copy on my box 2. Testing copy on production server 3. Live copy on production server
Add to that 4. 2nd dev copy on some other guy's server
and I think, though am not sure, we'll need with git: 5. git "master" copy somewhere on production server
I'd love some help with confirming this structure will work with git and maybe some tips on actual git commands to get it going. The 2 developers have full shell access on the production server. I've setup a "git" user on it too, which both users can access if required.
From what I've learned, the testing and live copies can be done with a
special push or pull or clone, maybe with post-hooks. I don't think those will be a big problem.
The main stumbling block is where/what/how I make the "git master copy" (#5) and how I'm supposed to integrate that with the #1 & #4 dev copies.