On 2020-01-28 10:35 p.m., Trevor Cordes wrote:
On 2020-01-28 Gerald Brandt wrote:
Now, since it seems Shaw gave me some of their dynamic range, my email server is blacklisted in a few places.
To say I'm not happy with Shaw would be a gross understatement.
Yes, many RBLs will have Shaw's many of Shaw's entire 24.x.* blacklisted as "residential". Getting off a blanket RBL is near impossible.
I would still try to see if you could obtain IPs in their normal "business" range. If they won't give you that, then you should tell them it's *their* job to get their was-rez-is-now-business 24's off of the RBLs!
Note: there are many online multi-RBL checker web sites you should utilize to see what's blocking you. And you could always try following each RBL's "remove" guidelines. But that quickly becomes almost a full time job.
I share your pain... I administer an email-heavy system and the world is much too aggressive with their BL's. The more concentrated email gets (think gmail) the worse it gets. (My 2c.)
Bumped the BL issue up to Shaw yesterday. Asking for better IP addresses today.