Sorry for the off-topic post, but I hope someone on this list can help me.
I have a PCIe card which has a capacitor on it which I'd like to remove and re-install, but on the other side of the board -- it's in the way of something, and if the cap isn't moved, I can't use the board. It's not surface-mount, and the leads go right through the board so it should be possible. I tried unsoldering it myself, but my soldering iron wasn't hot enough... or something. I'm not experienced with soldering. I may have even damaged the cap, for all I know, so I may have to get a new one. It's cylindrical and appears to be 330pF, 16V. I have pictures, but I'm not sure if the Roundtable list allows attachments (I expect not). I can email them directly to any interested party.
If any of you can help, please let me know!
Thanks, Kevin