Look what I stumbled on...
Cool. A walk down memory lane. Unfortunately this seems to be mainly focussed on the 90's, and most of my BBSing was in the late 80's. However, they do list a few I recognize/used:
Ariel Cobalt's Ursa Minor Atari ST User Group
But they miss most of my old favorites, including the one that changed my life forever...
And, look closely at some of the names: we find Les (of .net) and our own Adam Thompson.
Makes me want to dig up my old Atari ST file archives and see if I still have all my faves saved in my terminal software... but I can't seem to find the file, so it might be on tape... and I recently discontinued my SCSI setup. Well, time to haul out the Adaptec 19160 and DAT :-)
Looks like if I can find the info I could submit the data!
Ah, BBSs, those were the days...