On 2009-07-23 Dan Martin wrote:
On my Mac, I am switching to an alternate boot drive so that I can copy my usual boot drive to a third drive using the dd command from the Terminal. However, I am encountering an IO error, and there are differences between the original and the copy as shown using FileMerge.
You can get by IO errors with conv=noerror, which I use for all my dd clones:
dd if=/dev/sda of=wherever conv=noerror bs=1M
Also handy with sysresccd.org boot (and other live cds) is you can start the nic and dd over the network:
dd if=/dev/sda conv=noerror | ssh root@yourfs 'cat > /tmp/image.dd'
or, why not store the img compressed:
dd if=/dev/sda conv=noerror | gzip -c9 | ssh root@yourfs 'cat
Of course, this all works better when your source CPU is fast and network is fast. You could move the gzip to the server if it has a faster cpu... or bzip... or...