If you've put those two lines in your crontab, they get executed as separate jobs. Do the subscription directly in the echo command without using a variable, or put it in another script and call that script from crontab. -Adam
On January 23, 2015 9:47:37 AM CST, Grigory Shamov Grigory.Shamov@umanitoba.ca wrote:
Hi All,
I have a weird (or stupid idk) problem. A script of mine produces different results when ran interactively as root, from when ran as a cron job.
used=`report -i --csv 2>/dev/null | awk '/Total/ {print $4}'` echo $used is Total
The command executed says "Using config file XXX" to stderr and something useful to stdout of which I extract the value of Total. Redirecting the barf to /dev/null.
Now as a cron job the $used is empty. I believe that cronjob would redirect stderr to stodut? But here it happens also for the subprocesses ? Confused..
-- Grigory Shamov
Westgrid/ComputeCanada Site Lead University of Manitoba E2-588 EITC Building, (204) 474-9625
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