The network seems connected. I'd like to be able to refer to the machines by their names.
I have up to 9 machines connected, each with a distinct manually set IP address (not counting some virtual machines in Parallels on the Mac). The machines have a variety of OSs.
I may get a registered domain name, but not for about a year from now. For now I would like the simplest (read laziest) solution possible. I am hoping that there is a very simple way to run a DNS service privately on the network as opposed to changing /etc/hosts on a number of machines.
Most of what I have seen makes this look more than trivial. I am running Suse (I think Suse 10) on my gateway, but hoping I could follow directions for setting up on Ubuntu at
I don't want to do anything more complicated than that for the time being.
Suggestions? is there a lazier way?
Dan Martin GP Hospital Practitioner Computer Scientist (204) 831-1746 answering machine always on