Anyone interested in participating in a survey of Linux use?...
Gilbert E. Detillieux E-mail:
Dept. of Computer Science Web:
University of Manitoba Phone: (204)474-8161
Winnipeg, MB, CANADA R3T 2N2 Fax: (204)474-7609
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2005 13:55:02 -0700
From: "Andi Mann"
Subject: Linux Research - Request For Assistance
Hi ,
I am a Senior Analyst for Enterprise Management Associates
(, a leading IT analyst firm, covering
Systems Management technology. We are doing an in-depth research paper
on Linux server management, and would like your help to survey the
members of the Manitoba UNIX User Group Linux SIG.
We have posted a web survey, and I would like you to forward this email
to your members, asking them to complete the survey. Each survey should
take about 10 minutes. The URL for the survey is:
The proposition I am researching is that the total cost of ownership
(TCO) for large-scale commercial Linux systems is declining due to
availability of more powerful management tools; and that Linux TCO is
equal to or less than that of Windows.
It is in reaction, in part, to 2004 studies from Meta Group, Yankee, and
Microsoft claiming Linux has higher management costs, and higher TCO,
than Windows. My research aims to find out if the availability of better
management tools has further reduced the cost of Linux ownership.
In return, we would be happy to provide any respondents with the
completed report. We think this will be a very significant paper, which
will help you and your members present independent validation of Linux
cost advantages.
I would appreciate your help. Please let me know if you have any
questions or comments.