Bit off topic, but if anyone knows, it's MUUGers...
Does anyone know a source for cheap, older, *legit* Windows Server servers? I'm looking for something that includes the hardware and the O/S. Obviously to be legit the license would have to be OEM (with COA) or FPP (full retail box), and not corporate bulk/blanket licensing.
The minimum O/S version level acceptable Windows Server 2008 64-bit or R2.
I need the dirt cheapest solution, like dirt dirt cheapest. They can be beat up, low ram, junk cpu, etc; just has to work and be cheap. By cheap I mean like under $250. Surely Server 2008 is old enough now that the 2007-2010 level of hardware is basically only good for recycling now?
Alternatively I could also use cheap used FPP copies of Server alone (no hw), which I think would be legit to buy used(?). Obviously OEM wouldn't be.
<crosses fingers> Thanks!