Theodore wrote:
To transfer files to an http server using HTTP you probably need to use something like webdav to enable publishing to http (thats how the http:// drive mounting in mac has worked for me in the past anyways)
Webdav is a configuration editor or is it a plugin for Apache?
Later Mike
Mike Pfaiffer wrote:
The problem: I'd like to add a bit of a bonus. I'd like to show how to transfer files from an HTML document. When I had set up Apache on a Linux box, it worked. On the Mac, I can transfer files with an ftp client and fuse so I know that part works. It seems I am denied access when trying to transfer through HTTP. I changed the http:// tag to ftp:// and it complained about not allowing anonymous ftp. I found something on the net about setting up anonymous ftp, but it was a procedure which looked like it would take a couple of hours to implement. I'm not sure if I'm chasing wild geese or not.