Thanks to all who replied. It appears to be working now.
On 20-Dec-08, at 1:58 PM, Sean Walberg wrote:
If you don't have a link light, it doesn't matter how your cable modem is provisioned. You're not connected to it. Fix layer 2 problems before worrying about layer 3.
Thanks Sean - good advice. I switched my configurable port on the hub to MDI, connected to the cable modem, and this time got a link light. I was beginning to think the light wasn't working. I'm sure I've done this configuration before, but one of the cables connects a little loosely.
Once I had the link light, it took only seconds to plug the additional cables, and no reboots were required. It just worked! No issues in layer 3.
The only thing I'm curious about is how much speed I'm actually losing with a 10base T hub.
Dan Martin GP Hospital Practitioner Computer Scientist (204) 831-1746 answering machine always on