millward wrote:
Could anyone define for me, in IT terms, what an infrastructure problem is? Revenue Canada is now in such a mess it can't even process mail in tax forms. They claim it is an "infrastructure problem". Duh? Has anyone any idea what hardware / software they depend upon? I'd like to have some idea what went wromg. After all, as a tax payer, I'm paying for this mess. And so are you!
It's not a *NIX thing. I've been reading the problem was with a series of patches applied to Win 2K. Specifically the SDT patch. This has been sort of confirmed fourth hand. Not enough to go to print with though. Anything more would be a guess on my part (as opposed to someone elses guess). :-)
The transition on my main machine (running Ubuntu at the moment) was automatic. I'll eventually check my classic Mac to see if connecting with a time server fixes the problem there or if it needs manual input.
Later Mike