According to Gilbert E. Detillieux:
Why's that? Well, I noticed a lot of hits to my fedora-updates.html article on the web server were coming from Google searches. I ran a Google search for the string "fedora updates" myself, and found that my article was ranked in second place, behind the updates page on the official Fedora Project web site! Yikes! Open the floodgates!
You don't suppose your article has been "Google-bombed"?
You may want to add a link or so from your article to the list of other mirror sites. Also, if the MUUG web site really does get overloaded, you could also add a note pleading for mercy, and urging visitors to pick an appropriate mirror site for their location. Don't wait till it gets too desparate, though, because once a large number of people have your web site configured into their yum.conf, they may not get around to changing it later unless things get really, really slow for them (and everyone else).