No hits on the net about this, so I'll pick the MUUG brains instead:
I just bought a new cheapo cert using the newly-acquired-by-GeoTrust- who-then-got-acquired-by-Symantec (I think; it's confusing) RapidSSL. I'm a fine-print reader... and the confirmation email lists the terms I must accept and this one surprised me:
2. RapidSSL may issue SSL/TLS certificates for sites including one of the domain names above as the leftmost label.
Huh? What does that even mean? The more I thought about it, the more it sounded suspiciously like they are saying they can issue a cert *to someone else* (or themselves) like I'm not even sure that makes sense. Maybe I'm reading it incorrectly.
Maybe they're just saying they could issue to someone else? If so, why even mention that; it goes without saying. No other cert vendor I've dealt with has bothered to stipulate that before.
Can anyone else decipher this verbiage? Thanks!