Gilbert didn't propose any such thing, he reported on what he read AND PROVIDED HIS SOURCES.
The twitter thread linked goes on to reference a GitLab discussion about Linux's gpsd daemon and a fix to deal with some upcoming problems. The Gary Miller who originally mentioned a connection to climate change in the GitLab thread is "the GPS and PPS guy" on the NTPSec project.
While I don't know that any of the people cited, indirectly or not, are necessarily a worldwide authority on geodetic science, I do trust that they know a lot more about it, particularly as it relates to timekeeping, than I do.
Quick googling reveals that we haven't needed any of the previously-expected leap seconds since 2016 due to a small increase in the earth's rotational speed: * * *
Regardless of any connection to climate change, that's worth knowing if you run a high-stratum NTP server. Or a buggy GPS receiver, for that matter... :-(
And supposedly (if I knew what on earth I was looking at!) here's the raw data showing the increase in the earth's rotational speed: *
Nothing I could find in ~5 minutes of searching either substantiated OR refuted the supposed link between climate change and the earth's rotation, so, please, cite anything you can find, pro OR con. Yes, it's a stretch, but that claim came from a - literal - worldwide expert on certain aspects of timekeeping, who presumably read or heard it somewhere he thought was reliable.
On 2021-08-05 15:31, Daulton wrote:
Hi Gilbert,
How is it you propose that "climate change" is actually speeding up the rotation of the earth? This seems like a very long stretch of an assertion. According to other sources, "the speed of the Earth’s rotation varies constantly due to the motion of its molten core, oceans and atmosphere, as well as the effect of celestial bodies such as the Moon".
On Thursday, August 05, 2021 14:44 CDT, "Gilbert E. Detillieux" wrote:
For those of you who took in Wyatt's May presentation on setting up a GPS-based NTP server,...
... you may be interested in this bit of weirdness... TIL: Climate change has resulted in the earth spinning faster, cancelling out leap seconds.
“As I previously said, the reason it will affect live GPS is due to, and I hate to say it, global warming causing the earth to speed up, unexpectedly.”
So, now you know!... :)
-- Gilbert E. Detillieux E-mail: Dept. of Computer Science Web: University of Manitoba Winnipeg MB CANADA R3T 2N2 _______________________________________________ Roundtable mailing list
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