Long story short. It looks like ATI is no longer supporting their Radeon 7000 series under Linux. Recent updates result in the boot process freezing while going into X. I'm able to operate in text mode but get an error 104 (no valid modes) when I to start it manually. After trying various things like restoring a previously functional xorg.conf and searching Google for an entire afternoon for a solution, it looks like my only option (assuming I want to stay current) is a new video card.
Does anybody have a recommendation for something around the $50.00 range? IOW, what have people had success with in the past? I'd like an AGP card with TV out (yes I do the occasional video editing). From this months meeting I gather sticking with ATI is not advised in the short term. Itech suggests a GeForce5200 (AGP) card mainly for price.
Later Mike