I would say there is a thread of truth here but with respect to SUPPORT.
MTS barely supports what they say they do and their 'special PPPoE' stuff is just that... special. Built in PPPoE support should continue to work unless they are migrating to something non-standard or require some extra PPPoE options that are not available to the publicly available implementations.
MTS never supported Linux... never will unless 99% of their customers switch. Plus they are a "who can we call when stuff breaks" kind of shop with respect to infrastructure engineering which is kind of counter-culture to a FOSS stack.
Should MTS be that aggressive then they will lose those customers... that's kind of a given and I feel for those who have no other options. Having left MTS 8 years ago and seeing how the place worked, I will personally never use their ISP again unless it is literally the only option available. The few people that had a clue were either incentivized to not use their clues for great service or were depressed politically so while the person probably had the worst possible agent speak to them I don't think the situation is as described other than the facts of MTS not supporting anything aside from their narrow band of training.
MTS (when I was there, stuff may have changed) didn't support routers of any kind or shape so it doesn't surprise me they don't support them now.
Note, LES.NET will provide DSL IP services using MTS' backhaul so that is an option for those DSL is the only option kind of situations.
On 2010-07-13, at 11:46 AM, Mike Pfaiffer wrote:
Someone we all know phoned me last night with some disturbing news. Unfortunately it doesn't pass the D.I.M.S. test (Does It Make Sense). He wanted some confirmation before "flying off the handle". He said he had a couple of clients phone up saying MTS was threatening Linux users with disconnection unless they switched to an all M$ environment. I said I'd pass along the request and see what people say.
My suspicion is MTS is saying the same thing to Linux users as they are saying to Windows 2000 users. Namely a) Direct connections will no longer be supported with the next generation of MTS software (older software may still work). b) Tech support will be cancelled for that particular operating system. c) Although the problem with connection will be fixed with a router, the router MUST be purchased from MTS for maximum compatibility. d) They will not sell their routers to people running unsupported operating systems. e) Install techs will not be trained or permitted to connect machines with unsupported operating systems.
OTOH, it could be a hoax. Time will tell...
Later Mike
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