Got VIA ? Once in a while they release chip info to FOSS folk. Frequent? No. Welcome? Yes. (And No)
VIA Technologies Taiwan has (finally again) released DISPLAY DRIVER INFO for their Integrated Grfx Processors: Cn896 (Chrome9 HC) K8m890 (DeltaChrome) P4m900 (Chrome9) Vn896 (Chromotion, mobile)
Info includes: - SOURCE CODE (!) - Kernel Library - V0079 Application note (FC5) - V0079 Install Guide - Debian4, FC5/6, Mandriva2007 _ _ _
VIA also released NETWORKING DRIVER SOURCE CODE for their vt6655 & vt6656 "Solomon" WIRELESS LAN ("WLAN") controllers _ _ _ _
VIA did this last back in 2005, with a Linux kernel 2.6.x source release for their CLe266 & Cn400 IGPs. The Open community would, therefrom, advance into terror-tories beyond VIA's own binary releases.
That 2005 release was with usual press fanfare, but acrimony lurked. Hardly compliant (enough) with tenets of OSS purist Lucas Verhaegen of TheUnichromeProject (stagnant since 2005mar), there was some dissent and pooh-pooh bandied about.
Shortly before he ousted the hwAcceleration feature from TUP, Verhaegen had branded the (rival?) separate project OpenChrome as a "fork". The latter chose to maintain that popular hwAccel feature. Hence, OpenChrome has since inherited "the wind".
Waaall, we'll see how hard she "blows" this time, mateys. Aharrr.
Cap'n Johnny big fan of Edubuntu and Mint