I went to our site http://www.muug.mb.ca/fedora-updates.html and read it and then downloaded the two patch files. I read about the patch command in "Running Linux" published by O'Reilly as well as running and reading "info patch".
As I recall, for CORE 1 I just went in and edited sources (maybe yum.conf also) by hand because I didn't realize that what the gobbly gook in the patch file did or that I even needed the patch command.
I generated a patch file to update a phone list text file just to see how patch worked and it worked how I expected. I did not understand everything in "Running Linux" or "info patch" but the following is what I think I should do.
both patch files are in ~
I issue "su" from ~ for root access
#patch < rhn-sources-fc2.patch #patch < yum.conf-fc2.patch
Am I missing something or should the above work?
What I think I will do, just cause I'm chicken, is run the following before the actual/live patches;
#patch --dry-run < rhn-sources-fc2.patch > sources.dryrun #patch --dry-run < yum.conf.fc2.patch > yum.dryrun
I'm mostly concerned about the patch commands. Should they work or are other parameters needed?
Can anyone see any problems or make any suggestions?
===== The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. -Samuel Johnson, lexicographer (1709-1784)