As I mentioned during this month's MUUG round table meeting:
I have recently switched 2 of my family's mobile cell phone lines to Fizz Mobile and I am loving them so far!
Cell Phone Plans in Manitoba | Fizz <#>
Discover Fizz customizable mobile plans for Manitoba. Adapt yours based on your needs and budget. Plus, you get rewards on day 1.
I had mentioned that Quebecor was delaying bringing their Freedom Mobile brand to Manitoba (in favour of launching their own Fizz Mobile brand here first), but it looks like I missed their official new Freedom launch!
Quebecor has now officially launched their Freedom mobile brand (which they acquired from Shaw during the recent Rogers/Shaw merger) to Manitoba as of May 23, 2024!
"At launch Freedom is offering customers in Manitoba a deep discount on its 10GB Canada-U.S. mobile plan which is available for $14.50 per month ($29 reg.) for six months."
You can view the Freedom plans for Manitoba here:
Cell Phone Plans Winnipeg (Manitoba) | Freedom Mobile <#>
Discover Freedom Mobile's cell phone plans in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
I still think their Fizz Mobile brand offers greater flexibility with: Â - data rollover, Â - data gifting, Â - generous perks (like free unlimited data days and additional free data every month), Â - the ability to change your plan every month to fit exactly what you need, Â - and it has slightly lower overall prices for <= 10 GB data plans.
But you can't go wrong with either company compared to what the big 3 (Bell, Rogers, and Telus) are charging us here in Manitoba.
*If you do decide that you want to try Fizz Mobile, don't forget to use my referral code "16KPK" to get a $25 credit (for both you and me!) during your second month of membership.*
If anyone has any questions about my experience with Fizz, just ask away.
It worked flawlessly in the US during my recent trip to Huntsville, Alabama and I haven't had any issues with it in the Winnipeg area so far.