See for the News item regarding this email or to read the online version, goto
In co-operation with the Canadian Linux User's Exchange existing executive, I have carefully considered all the comments made to the mailing list over the last month, engaged in countless personal conversations and hours of research, and am proposing what I believe to be the best approach to a CLUE restructure and rebirth. Here are the results of this work:
1. Revision of By-Laws
Please see for the complete By-Laws document. I've highlighted a few changes here:
The goal of the Canadian Linux Users' Exchange is to increase the use and appreciation in Canada of what is known as the Linux computer operating system and Open Source Software, by enhancing association and communication amongst its developers, users, suppliers, and the general public.
[NOTE: The purpose of CLUE was left more or less the same as it was originally conceived. The only addition being the inclusion of Open Source Software to the Purpose statement.}
Members of the foundation shall be the respective applicants for the incorporation of the foundation until their resignations have been accepted, and such other qualified persons as shall be elected as members from time to time by a majority of the votes cast by the members present or represented by proxy at any duly constituted meeting of the members
[NOTE: The membership section has been completely revised. Please be aware that the "official" members of CLUE as described in the by-laws are simply the executive. The by-laws no longer describe a formal membership, either individual or associate. This revision is based on the adoption of the "Foundation" model of operation. The "Foundation" model provides the most open method of organizing CLUE, allowing us to operate in the most flexible manner possible].
"Board of Directors"
The property and business of the Corporation shall be managed by a board of ten directors of whom six shall constitute a quorum. This board shall consist of the Corporation's officers, which are to comprise:
- A President - A Treasurer - A Secretary
In addition to said officers, the Board will comprise seven "at-large" directors.
[NOTE: We've eliminated the formal roles of 1st VP, 2nd VP, and Immediate past President from the By-Laws. This does not mean that these roles will never exist, it just means that legally, CLUE as an organization does not need them to function. As legally required, the only positions required are those that have been described here].
2. CLUE's Purpose
As determined from the conversation on the mailing list, the following 7 areas have been identified as having the highest priority for the CLUE community. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT EACH PRIORITY IS LOOSELY DEFINED HERE! A CLUE Director will be expected to take responsibility for at least one priority, whether it is one that is listed here or one that they propose.
[NOTE: The following list is in NO particular order. Also, the following is a list of 'obvious' needs. Everyone is welcome to propose additional priorities that they may wish to pursue when they apply for a Director position -see #3 below.]
P1. Public Relations/Media relations
Includes publication of press releases, marketing communications material, public speaking etc.
P2. LUG Relations
Includes maintaining contact with all Canadian LUGs. Will include definition and coordination of LUG benefit packages.
P3. Domain utilization
Includes webmaster responsibility for the domain. Will include redesign of the website to better accomplish CLUE's goals.
P4. Fund Raising
Includes promotion of the Foundation funding model, i.e. The "buy a brick in our new building" model. Basically, anyone, individual or corporate can donate to CLUE and receive a designated sponsor-level. Details of this model will also be the responsibility of whomever takes on this job.
P5. Benefits/SWAG etc.
Includes identification or CLUE benefits, i.e. Magazine discounts, free CD's, T-Shirts, etc.
P6. Business Development/Corporate Liaison
Includes solicitation, development and maintenance of CLUE's corporate and affiliate relationships. This may include association with other non-profits, such as the Linux Professional Institute, Linux International, IEEE, etc.
P7. Advocacy/Research
Includes the creation of CLUE's advocacy program and identification of research avenues and how CLUE can leverage them. For example, the surveying of CLUE membership on a regular basis in order to provide information to those that would find that information of value.
[NOTE: Some of the latter may be official positions/titles, ex. Director of Business Development. Others will not, ex. Benefits/SWAG.]
3. Executive Roles
The by-laws allow for 3 formal roles, President, Secretary and Treasurer and 7 Director roles which must be filled for the organization to legally function.
How are we going to fill these roles?
I'd like to at this time put out a CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for CLUE executives. Here's how this works:
Information should include: Name, E-mail, Position sought, Bio, Desired Area(s) of Responsibility, Supporting Comments.
Additionally, you may include:
In two pages or less what role you'd like to fill and what you plan to accomplish while in that role. NOTE: The responsibilities for each role are open for you to define.
For example, let's say I feel that I'm a very organized, detailed person who likes documentation and communicating with other Linux/OSS enthusiasts outside of my current LUG. In this case, I may offer to fulfill the Secretaries role and include the LUG Relations priority within that role. In my application, I'd describe how I intend to satisfy the organizations LUG Relations Priority, such as a Newsletter, etc. and provide examples (if available) of anything that makes me particularly capable of fulfilling the desired role.
Please feel free to define your own role! If you do not feel comfortable in a role that already exists, propose a new role in your application.
First call for Submission of applications will conclude on Sunday, September 15th and announcement of the new CLUE executive will follow shortly thereafter. All applications will be considered by the current CLUE executive and myself. Any current CLUE executive who wishes to submit an application for a role, will have to submit in the same manner as everyone else and will not be included in the review of applications of the role they applied for.
Thanks, Bill Traynor