I'm selling my Cisco lab. Before I put it on eBay, I thought I'd ask if anyone locally was interested. I don't have any pictures yet.
This auction is for seven 2500 series routers, a 4000 series router, various cables, and accessories. All are in good working order.
2509: 16M RAM, 16M Flash, 1 Ethernet, 2 Sync Serial, 8 Async serial 2507: 16M RAM, 16M Flash, 1 Ethernet (16 port hub), 2 Sync Serial 2504: 16M RAM, 12M Flash, 1 Token ring, 2 Sync Serial, 1 ISDN BRI 2501: 16M RAM, 16M Flash, 1 Ethernet, 2 Sync Serial 2521: 16M RAM, 16M Flash, 1 Token Ring, 4 Sync Serial (2 high, 2 low), ISDN BRI 2514: 16M RAM, 16M Flash, 2 Ethernet, 2 Sync Serial 2514: 4M RAM, 8M Flash, 2 Ethernet, 2 Sync Serial 4000M: (4M Flash, 16M DRAM) 1 Token Ring, 4 Serial 24 port Token Ring Switch
Cables: 1 x 8 port async (octopus) cable for the 2509 to console into the other devices 5 x DB60 DTE-DCE (ie serial crossover for the 2500s) cables 4 x DB60-RS232 DTE-DCE (serial crossover for the 4000 to a 2500) cables 2 x token ring connectors for the 2500s Power + Ethernet cables
Don't worry about buying your CCNA/CCNP/CCIE lab in parts (not to mention separate shipping charges), this is a ready to go lab setup with eight routers. I have happily used it over the past few years for CCNP studying and writing, including all the scenarios at ccnprecertification.com.
Despite the equipment's age, it's still great for lab scenarios with BGP, OSPF, EIGRP, NAT, IPv6, multicast, and IPSEC VPNs. The 2509 has 8 async serial ports to act as a terminal server, just like on the CCIE lab. The 2521 and 4000M make great frame relay simulators. Put the 2514s into bridging mode and you can even play with spanning tree. Pick up an ISDN emulator and you can do dial on demand scenarios (or do it over the AUX port with the gear as it is)
All the necessary cables and transceivers are included to hook the routers together and get started. I'll even include "Routing TCP/IP volume 1" by Jeff Doyle to make you a guru of interior routing protocols and "CCNA Video Mentor" by Wendell Odom if you're just starting out.