I have designed a web page to edit information for my own use. Using a link to a page of javascript, I can select radio buttons, change text directly in text areas, etc. The html is a useful GUI interface.
There are many inputs, but no forms. This is strictly client side processing. I may have to run this from machines where I have no server access, and no administrative control over the machine.
It appears to work well visually, but when I save the altered web page (using File : Save Page As in Firefox) the altered DOM is not saved. Not even simple text changes. It appears that the original web page is saved instead. Also, the changes do not show in Firebug.
Interestingly, there seems to be an exception with a section that adds new nodetrees rather than modifying old ones. The new nodes show in Firebug, and I can save the html by right clicking the html in Firebug and choosing "Save HTML". For the modified nodes, the original version is saved.
Does anyone have ideas on how I can save the modified DOM tree, the one that displays on the web page?
Dan Martin GP Hospital Practitioner Computer Scientist ummar143@shaw.ca (204) 831-1746 answering machine always on